Trust one of the leading DUI Attorneys in North Carolina, defending Raleigh and the surrounding area. A former North Carolina prosecutor now in your corner. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

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Criminal Defense

We specialize in a comprehensive range of cases, including DWI, traffic violations, alcohol and drug offenses, domestic violence, larceny, financial crimes, firearms charges, and more. Trust us to relentlessly advocate for your best interests with unwavering commitment and expertise.


Driving While Impaired is a very serious charge. Everyone facing a DWI charge in North Carolina is facing jail time. The stakes are high - rely on us to navigate the complexities of the legal system. Contact us to build your defense.

Contact us today for a free consultation

We fight for you like you are family! Knowledge is power - get honest answers now.

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Our Firm

Kevin Long headshot, man in grey suit with city skyline in background

Kevin B. Long

Never be outworked, underprepared, cut corners, or back down in the face of adversity.  That’s how Kevin was raised, and how he approaches every day as he defends clients who have been charged with criminal offenses.  Kevin understands that each client’s case is different and takes a personalized approach to defending his clients and standing up for their rights.

Following his completion of law school, Kevin initiated his legal journey as a Mecklenburg County Assistant District Attorney in Charlotte, North Carolina. During his tenure at the Mecklenburg County District Attorney’s Office, Kevin prosecuted a spectrum of cases, from misdemeanors like DWI, misdemeanor death by motor vehicle, drug offenses, assaults, and various traffic violations to felonies including breaking and entering, larceny, possession of stolen vehicles, gun charges, and various financial crimes.

In 2018, Kevin transitioned to the defense side, leveraging his extensive prosecutorial experience to passionately advocate for clients facing charges such as DWI, misdemeanors, felonies, and traffic violations. As the founder of The Law Office of Kevin B. Long, PLLC, Kevin leads a seasoned team dedicated to achieving the best outcomes for their clients in every case.


555 Fayetteville Street Suite 201, Raleigh, NC
Tel: 919-390-2544